How To Find Your True Self
About ten years ago I took different psychology courses taught by two of my favorite psychology professors: Dr. Khoshaba and her husband, Dr. Maddi.
Those courses dove deep into Existential Psychology, Resilience, and other areas of psychology I am very much interested in to this day. So, I decided to reach out and interview one of them.
Dr. Khoshaba has been a Clinical Psychologist in Southern California for over 25 years and worked as a therapist, teacher, consultant, and researcher.
She has been the Director of Program Development and Training for the Hardiness Institute and has authored the hardiness approach to Stress Management & Training called HardiTraining that is used worldwide by the public educators, business, military, and clergy.
More recently she wrote a book called Getting to Oz: the personal journey to your true self that shows young and older adults how to use life experience to unfold their true selves; the greatest buffer to managing stressful times.
Getting to Oz is a journey of self-discovery that no one can make for us. We have to leave behind the safe and familiar to find what is right for each of us.
Getting to Oz is a culmination of Dr. Deborah Khoshaba’s life and her 25-year career helping people to have the courage to face the stresses of living and to forge a deeply meaningful life, no matter what the world throws at them.
Episode Notes are coming soon.
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Dr. Khoshaba's Book: Getting to Oz: The Personal Journey Home to Your True Self